here nd create ur certificate nd key file for some unsigned software.
when try to install unsigned software in ur mobile then show message
like contact ur supply provider............ because this is not certify
from symbian. so u need certificate file nd signed the software then u
easyly install the software. so pls follow my instraction nd got the
certificate nd key file.
1. click the register option
2. then click the below left chinese word

then first write the alphanumaric code in the box, then calculate the
number in second box, then user name, then password, then password
confirmation, then don't tick the box then in last click the confirm.
and wait automaticly login in ur profile if not the go to sign in
* msn, hotmail, live not support sometimes.
4. after clicking the signin option. 1st user name nd password then no need nothing just enter nd go to ur profile.
then go to enlish langauge in the right of the top corner side. u see
there props nd statistics betwenn those their have chinese word. which
show two chinese more word just click the right chinese word. nd follow
after click the right chinese word then u see the below picture page.
1st box is IMEI number second 1 mobile number. sometimes mobile number
not work, if not work then use this 15987654328.
7. when the all information ok then show the cert_apply_secceed. if this message show then it work. then go to next page
then u see ur information in below page. in last of ur information is
not show anything because there u see the cetificate file nd key file
after given IMEI number just u wait 24hr nd get the cer, key file.
after 24hr go to in the same page. where u register ur imei number u see the information cer, key file. then download the software nd sign the software usign below software
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